Safety First
At J.B. Steel, we believe that all accidents are preventable with the proper systems, tools, education, and awareness. Construction can create a dangerous environment, which is why we make safety our number one priority.

Extensive Safety Orientation
No J.B. Steel employee will ever arrive at a job site without completing an extensive safety orientation based on the Operation Safe Site training program for OSHA Subpart R, Steel Erection. At least once per year, every employee receives a full day refresher training course that is focused on safety and quality.
We require 100% tie off when working at an exposed edge with a fall potential of six feet or greater. In addition, all of our iron workers are required to carry a sliding beam clamp to facilitate tie off. On all major projects, we work with our general contractor partners to develop and implement both a Project Specific Erection Plan and a Project Specific Safety Plan.